How to I Help/Report as a Faculty, Staff Member, or Administrator?
Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to sexual assault, relationship violence; (domestic and dating violence), and stalking. Under Title IX and California Senate Bill 493, these behaviors are all forms of sex-based discrimination and are prohibited by both law and District policies. YCCD is committed to maintaining an educational and work environment that is free of sex-based discrimination and does not tolerate these behaviors.
At Sierra College, with a few exceptions* all employees have a duty, under Title IX and/or California Senate Bill 493 and District policies to report all forms of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. Officials with Authority (Title IX) and Responsible Employees (SB 493) are required to report all relevant information they know about sexual harassment, including the name of the Respondent (with Student ID number if known), the Complainant (with Student ID number if known) any other witnesses, and the date, time, and location of the alleged incident, to the extent that information is disclosed.
* Therapists, CARE Directors and employees, or Campus Victim Advocates are exempt from reporting to the Title IX Coordinator.
To make a report, contact the Title IX Team.
In addition to reporting to the Title IX Coordinator, employees are also encouraged to connect students who share information about incidents of gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment with a confidential Title IX Campus Advocate who are trained counselors. To connect a student with a Title IX Campus Advocate, contact the Title IX Team.
If a student discloses an incident to you, it is essential to notify them of your role in reporting to the Title IX Coordinator and connecting them with resources. Please inform the student they do not have an obligation to speak to anyone, but to ensure their success, you have a responsibility to connect them with resources, and a member of the Title IX Team will reach out to them.
Note: Be sure to share any information disclosed to you with the Title IX Coordinator, but investigations of sexual assault and sexual harassment incidents are not your responsibility. Trained individuals will talk with the survivor and the alleged perpetrator, as well as friends and colleagues, to gather information.
Tips: What to Do if Someone Reports Sexual Misconduct to Me
As a member of the District community, a student (or another employee) may approach you regarding being the recipient of unwelcome sexual contact or having knowledge regarding another student (or employee) in this situation. It is important to provide support to a survivor of sexual violence and refer this person to Title IX Campus Advocates in Counseling Services. You are also required to report the disclosure to the District Title IX Coordinator. These steps are designed to help you best support and inform someone of the resources available to assist with the person’s physical and emotional needs.
Recognize it can be an enormous step for someone to talk with another person about sexual violence, and this person has placed trust in you by revealing the experience. It is, however, important to inform the student of your role in connecting them with the Campus Advocates and making a report to the District Title IX Coordinator.
If a student discloses sexual harassment or violence to you, please consider the following responses:
Response Idea 1:
Thank you for reaching out to me and trusting me with this information. I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. As faculty/staff , I must share this information with the Title IX Coordinator and connect you with trained counselors known as Title IX Campus Advocates. A Campus Advocate will contact you to provide information about on and off-campus support and services, resources available to you, and your reporting options. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you in your success in this class. As a college, we want to be able to support you during this difficult time.
Response Idea 2:
I just finished reading your assignment and the personal incident that you shared. Thank you for trusting me with this information. I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you. Your safety is our number one concern, and I must share this information with the Title IX Coordinator and connect you with trained counselors known as Title IX Campus Advocates. A Campus Advocate will contact you to provide information about on and off-campus support and services, resources available to you, and your reporting options. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you in your success in this class. As a college, we want to be able to support you during this difficult time.