How to use LastPass on Mobile Devices

How can I use LastPass on Mobile Devices?

**Using the LastPass Mobile App:**

1. **Install the LastPass Mobile App:**

  •    - Open your device's app store (e.g., Apple App Store or Google Play Store).
  •    - Search for "LastPass" and install the LastPass Password Manager app.
    • Andriod Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    • Apple Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. **Log in to Your LastPass Account:**

  •    - Open the LastPass app.
  •    - Log in with your LastPass account credentials.
    •  Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

3. **Save a New Password:**

  •    - When you log in to a website or app for which you want to save the password, LastPass will often prompt you to save the login details. If not, you can manually add a new entry.
  •    - Tap the "+" or "Add" button to create a new entry.
  •    - Enter the website or app name, your username, and password.
  •    - You can add optional information like notes and tags.
  •    - Tap "Save" to save the entry.

**Additional Tips:**

  • - To organize your saved passwords, consider creating folders or categories within LastPass.
  • - LastPass can generate strong and unique passwords for you when creating new accounts. You can use its password generator feature to do this.
  • - Be sure to use a strong master password for your LastPass account to secure your vault.

Remember that LastPass will automatically fill in your saved passwords when you visit the corresponding websites or use the mobile app, making it convenient and secure for managing your login credentials.

For detailed information, please check out the LastPass videos from the below links.

LastPass app for iOS

LastPass app for Android


Need further assistance? 

Additional Resources

How to Activate your LastPass Account

How to use LastPass to save Passwords