Measure J. Series A, B, C Bond Funds, Annual Reports

On November 7, 2006, a bond election was conducted within the boundaries of the Yuba Community College District with more than 55 percent of the voters approving passage of the Measure J General Obligation Bond Funds in the amount of $190 million.

The Measure J Bond projects were historically approved by the Board of Trustees in 2007 (Series A and B issuance) and 2011 (Series C issuance) and were all completed/closed-out by the end of the first quarter 2014.  Over the past 10 years, the District has completed many construction and modernization projects with Measure J, Series A, B, C funds.  Projects can be seen below.

YCCD is committed to fiscally responsible management of all taxpayer funding and has actively pursued opportunities to save money. In the last 15 months, the District has conducted two bond refundings, cumulatively saving local taxpayers more than $86 million.

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is pleased to present annual reports for Measure J, Series A, B, C:

Contact Us

Location/mailing address:
Yuba Community College District
425 Plumas Blvd., Suite 200
Yuba City, CA  95991
Department phone numbers:
Accounts Payable:              530.741.8966 or 530.741.6721
Accounts Receivable:         530.741.6970
Director, Fiscal Services:    530.741.6769
Foundation:                        530.749.3868
NelNet Payment Plans:     530.741.6970
Payroll:                               530.741.6722 or 530.741.6768
Purchasing/Contracts:       530.741.6801
