(CBOC) Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The purpose of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is to inform the public concerning the expenditure and use of bond revenues.  The CBOC shall actively review and report on the expenditure of taxpayers’ money for bond-funded school construction to ensure that bond funds are spent in accordance with the provisions of the ballot measure.  The CBOC is comprised of volunteers who represent specific constituencies, including senior citizens, businesses, taxpayer organizations, support organization, students, and the community-at-large.  The CBOC reviews and reports on the annual audits, in addition to their other monitoring and reporting activities.

Committee Members

  • Deborah Barocio Mirande (Chair), College Support Organization
  • Geraldine (Jerrie) Libby (Co-Chair), Taxpayer’s Organization
  • Cynthia White, At Large Member
  • James White, Senior Citizens’ Organization

For current Agendas and Minutes please open BoardDocs at CBOC Agenda and Minutes

For list of all CBOC agendas and minutes please select to Measure J, Series D Bond Funds - Meetings/Agendas/Minutes and Audits

Contact Us

Location/mailing address:
Yuba Community College District
425 Plumas Blvd., Suite 200
Yuba City, CA  95991
Department phone numbers:
Accounts Payable:               530.741.8966 or 530.741.6721
Accounts Receivable:         530.741.6970
Director, Fiscal Services:    530.741.6769
Foundation:                          530.749.3868
NelNet Payment Plans:     530.741.6970
Payroll:                                   530.741.6722 or 530.741.6768
Purchasing/Contracts:       530.741.6801
E-mail:  business_services@yccd.edu