Getting started at YCCD
Welcome to YCCD, our goal is to provide you with the best support and training resources so that you can leverage most of the technology being used throughout the Yuba Community College District. Please take time to go through all of the guides, they will help with your academic endeavors.
Obtaining Your YCCD Login Information:
As a new student, the first and most important step is obtaining your YCCD ID. Your YCCD ID combined with your password will give you access to resources throughout YCCD including our services across Woodland and Yuba Community Colleges, Campuses and Centers.
Obtaining your YCCD ID Number and Password
- Once you have submitted your online application with your current email address, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance and providing information on your YCCD ID.
- After receiving your YCCD ID, log into and follow the directions in your welcome letter on logging in with your one-time password
- Great! Now you’ll be able to use your YCCD ID and this password across the district.
Resources available to you:
Once you have received your YCCD ID you will have access to the following services:
Self-Service - This is your gateway to your Student Checklist, view course map in Student Planning. Registering/adding and dropping courses, making payments, requesting a refund, viewing grades, obtain an unofficial transcript, and to change your contact information.
Microsoft Office 365 - An online Office suite of applications by Microsoft that works across all your devices seamlessly. Included services are online Outlook (email), calendars, people (contacts), Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, and much more.
Canvas – Your virtual classroom environment for online courses. Many of your professors may require you to use Canvas for your on-campus courses. Canvas allows students access to course materials, participate with classmates, take exams, and upload homework assignments.
Mobile App ReadyEducation/Oohlala - The app can be used to interact with your peers, clubs, events, and everything else to enrich your student experience.