Measure J, Series D bond funds are spent only for specific projects developed by the District’s Board of Trustees and approved by the voters in accordance with the requirements of Proposition 39, as specified by Section 1(b)(3)(C) of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution.
District-wide Energy Storage
On December 14, 2017, the Board of Trustees authorized the District to award an Energy Storage (Battery) project for both Yuba College and Woodland Community College. The alternative system determined to be “Best Value” is the TESLA Motors PowerPack 2.5 Energy Storage system. This project was awarded to Borrego Solar. Construction work began in May 2018 and was completed in December 2019.
Woodland Community College
- Building 800 Corridor Remodel
On March 20, 2019, the District awarded Raymond Burris Design Studio (RBDS) the design of this project for $9,715. The design drawings and specifications for this project were completed in July of 2019 and submitted to the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for review and approval. DSA approved the drawings in December 2019. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was published in December 2019 to solicit proposals from qualified contractors. At its first regular Board Meeting, January 9, 2020, The Board of Trustees took action to award. The construction work is expected to begin in May 2020 and be completed by the end of June 2020. The scope includes 15 large windows, four (4) new glass windows in the classroom doors, new LED light fixtures, and wall paint to brighten up the corridor and open up the student learning spaces.

On October 10, 2019, the Board of Trustees authorized the District to award the architectural services that include planning, design, and contract administration to tBP Architecture for a total cost of $2,507,000. A formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process was used to solicit proposals. This RFP process followed a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process that pre-qualified nine (9) Architectural firms for the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The preliminary planning phase of the project has been progressing quite quickly and is expected to be completed for Board approval at the March 12, 2020 meeting. Once approved, the preliminary planning drawings and other documents will be forwarded to the State for review and approval. Once approved, the State Chancellors Office will authorize the next phase of the design work which is called the “Working Drawings” phase. This phase of work includes detailed design drawings and specifications. After the Working Drawings are completed, they will be submitted to the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for review and approval. Once approved, the drawings and specifications will be published as part of a formal “Request for Proposal” to qualified contractors to solicit construction proposals. This project includes $18,872,000 in State matching funds and is expected to cost $41,781,000. The District will utilize Measure J, Series D funding for the local funding match. This project is scheduled for completion in June 2023.

A rendering of the project can be seen in the attached document.
Yuba College
On February 8, 2018, the Board of Trustees authorized the District to award the Yuba College Veterinary Technician Relocation Project to relocate this program from Bldg. 800 to Bldg. 1700. The move will double the classroom and laboratory space, provide distance learning technology and is much closer to the “Farm”. This project was awarded to REM Construction and was completed in January 2019.

On March 8, 2018, the Board of Trustees authorized the District to award a Roofing Project for Yuba College. In order to maximize the “Best Value”, each building was considered a separate project and awarded to the lowest bidder. Brazos Urethane and Madsen Roofing & Waterproofing were each awarded multiple roof projects. The new roof systems provide a 25-year “leak free” warrantee with no cost to the District for any leak repairs and are “cool white roof” systems, which will help reduce utility costs. This project was completed in September 2018.
Videos of the roofing project results can be seen at the following links:

Contact Us
Location/mailing address:
Yuba Community College District
425 Plumas Blvd., Suite 200
Yuba City, CA 95991
Department phone numbers:
Accounts Payable: 530.741.8966 or 530.741.6721
Accounts Receivable: 530.741.6970
Director, Fiscal Services: 530.741.6769
Foundation: 530.749.3868
NelNet Payment Plans: 530.741.6970
Payroll: 530.741.6722 or 530.741.6768
Purchasing/Contracts: 530.741.6801