YCCD Record Retention Policy


APPLICATION: Officers, Faculty, Staff and all other Employees


APPLICATION: Officers, Faculty, Staff and all other Employees
ISSUED: 11/28/2019
REVISED: 11/28/2019

I.   Policy Statement. In order to effectively manage District Records and comply with legal standards for record retention and the maintenance of privacy, Yuba Community College District requires that identified Records be retained for specific periods of time and that those Records be destroyed on a specified schedule and in an acceptable manner. This policy applies to all Records regardless of their form – be it paper, electronic or other.

II.   Record Retention. Federal and State law and regulation require varying Record retention procedures. The appropriate time periods vary dramatically based on very specific types of Records in light of applicable law and regulation – all of which is subject to change. Minimum retention periods for identified categories of records are identified in Section V below. Electronic Mail that needs to be saved should be either:

  • Printed in hard copy and kept with the appropriate file; or
  • Downloaded to a computer file and kept electronically or on disk as a separate file.

III.   Exception for Documents Relevant to Litigation or Claims. If any employee believes or is informed that certain Records are or may be relevant to litigation or potential litigation (i.e. a dispute that is reasonably likely to result in litigation), then all involved employees must preserve those Records until it is determined that the records are no longer needed. This exception supersedes any previously or subsequently established destruction schedule or policy for such records.

IV.   Disposal. In general, when the destruction or disposal of a Record is called for or the applicable retention period has expired, such Record shall be destroyed and such destruction should, where confidential information is potentially involved, include shredding of paper Records or erasing or permanently destroying electronically

APPLICATION: Officers, Faculty, Staff and all other Employees
ISSUED: 11/28/2019
REVISED: 11/28/2019

I.   Policy Statement. In order to effectively manage District Records and comply with legal standards for record retention and the maintenance of privacy, Yuba Community College District requires that identified Records be retained for specific periods of time and that those Records be destroyed on a specified schedule and in an acceptable manner. This policy applies to all Records regardless of their form – be it paper, electronic or other.

II.   Record Retention. Federal and State law and regulation require varying Record retention procedures. The appropriate time periods vary dramatically based on very specific types of Records in light of applicable law and regulation – all of which is subject to change. Minimum retention periods for identified categories of records are identified in Section V below. Electronic Mail that needs to be saved should be either:

  • Printed in hard copy and kept with the appropriate file; or
  • Downloaded to a computer file and kept electronically or on disk as a separate file.

III.   Exception for Documents Relevant to Litigation or Claims. If any employee believes or is informed that certain Records are or may be relevant to litigation or potential litigation (i.e. a dispute that is reasonably likely to result in litigation), then all involved employees must preserve those Records until it is determined that the records are no longer needed. This exception supersedes any previously or subsequently established destruction schedule or policy for such records.

IV.   Disposal. In general, when the destruction or disposal of a Record is called for or the applicable retention period has expired, such Record shall be destroyed and such destruction should, where confidential information is potentially involved, include shredding of paper Records or erasing or permanently destroying electronically

V.   Minimum Retention Periods for Specific Categories

General Record Type Description Retention Period
Organizational Documents Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws; IRS Form 1023; Board of Trustee Records Permanent
Tax Records Payroll documents; expenses; proof of donor activity; audit materials; accounting procedures and other revenue records 7 years from filing of applicable return
Banking, Accounting & Finance Bank reconciliations, statements, deposit slips and checks 3 years
  Accounts payable ledgers & schedules including procurement and expense materials 7 years
  Audit reports Permanent
  Grant & Contract Administration 7 years after the final payment or completion of all obligations under the grant or contract
  Summary records such as proposals, award letters and reports Permanent
  Institutional Review Board & Human and Animal Subject records 6 years after the conclusion of work or research
  Patents Permanent
  Contracts Executed or finalized contracts – 7 years after contract expiration
  Construction & other real property contracts
  Insurance Permanent
  Financing documents including debt & bond documents Permanent
  Financial aid documents 5 years after student graduation
  All other documents Until administrative use ceases
Human Resources Personnel Records (including payroll, benefit plan/programs, and/or other human resources records not otherwise specifically provided for)* 10 years after last date of employment
  Search materials 3 years following the successful hire or close of search without hire
  Retirement & pension records Permanent
  Policies & procedures 10 years after last effective date
  Health & Safety – Hazardous Exposure Records 30 years after last date of employment
Student Records Official grades, transcripts and official records** Permanent
  Health clinic and counseling records 7 years after graduation or withdrawal
  Student judicial records 6 years after academic year of adjudication

*Official faculty tenure and promotion files are retained permanently in the District archives.
**The District registrar maintains a current list of the items which constitute the official student record.



Article ID: 117804
Wed 10/7/20 10:38 AM
Fri 11/17/23 7:38 PM